Castalytics participates in newly founded ZIM network “Digital Shadows”
Newly founded ZIM network “Digital Shadows” starts with virtual kick-off meeting

On September 22, 2020 the first network meeting of the partners of the newly founded ZIM network “Digital Shadows” took place as an online conference. During the whole morning, 27 people from a total of 24 partners introduced themselves, spoke about their special competences in the field of “digital shadows”, discussed already planned projects and explored further project ideas in specially created virtual breakout rooms. A complete success! The thematic exchange will now be continued, while innos GmbH as the office and organizer of the network has already started planning the personal meeting, which is planned for the beginning of November in Hamburg.
All projects are about the continuous improvement of applications and processes from industry and medium-sized businesses using their digital shadow.
The term “digital shadow” refers to all operating, status or process data collected during the use of a product or process. Intelligent linking with the “digital master”, the original virtual model containing all information from development and production, results in the “digital twin”.

Digital Shadows: In the ZIM network InPro (Intelligent Production Technologies) especially digital twins in terms of a digital master for the optimization of production processes have been developed. Building on the insights gained in this process, digital twins are to be (further) developed in the “Digital Shadows” network in order to integrate digital shadows and thus take into account the life cycle of the product, the production machine and the process.
Due to the large amounts of data generated in production processes, principles of Machine Learning (ML) are to be used for automated evaluation. With the help of semantic technologies, the above mentioned connection between the digital master and the digital shadow shall be realized. It is essential to note that the adaptation of the digital twin during its life cycle should not be done by humans, but by the system itself.
The following companies and research institutions are involved in the network:
ADREM Consulting GmbH, Castalytics GmbH; mid Documentation GmbH, logistics processes & IT consulting GmbH, Mewes & Partner GmbH, Synergeticon GmbH, evodion IT GmbH, Folge3 GmbH, Tec5, Hamburger Software, AERTEC Solutions GmbH, Helmut Schmidt University, University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg, Laser-Laboratorium Göttingen e.V., Fraunhofer IWU Dresden, FH Dortmund, Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, DIKautschuk as well as the following associated partners: HyMove, PMG Precision Mechanics Group GmbH, Mahr GmbH and Plejades GmbH.
If you are interested in learning more about the network, please contact the office in Göttingen.
Dr. Andreas Baar
c/o innos GmbH
Bürgerstraße 44/42
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 551 4960123