Castalytics supports the network Southern Lower Saxony Point of Care Cluster (SniPoCC)
Southern Lower Saxony wants to become the innovation leader for rapid tests. This goal is pursued by the South Lower Saxony Point of Care Cluster (SniPoCC). Starting in September, the SniPoCC will receive 200,000 euros from the Federal Ministry of Science and Research for the next seven months. The network consists of 13 participating companies and scientific institutions. They are active in human, veterinary and forensic medicine as well as in environmental and hazardous substance analysis.
The SniPoCC prevailed in a field of 53 alliances that applied for funds from the Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation (Rubin) funding program.

Castalytics and the Institut für Nanophotonik Göttingen (IFNANO) want to promote and advance digitization within the joint project. The aim is to automate data acquisition. Subsequently, artificial intelligence is to be increasingly used for data evaluation.